

This Site is the property of ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA, SAS, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 313 924 532 Head office: 61, Rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris – Tel : +33 1 42 97 50 62 – Intracommunity VAT number: FR26313924532. – share capital: €40,000 

Access to the Site and the use of its content are subject to the terms of use described below. The fact of accessing and browsing the site constitutes the Internet user's unreserved acceptance of the following details: The site is hosted by the company Agence WEBCOM, 83 rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris; telephone number: +33 (0)1 83 56 95 62.

Official website: www.agencewebcom.com - Director of publication: David ROBIN

Intellectual property

The Site as a whole, as well as each of the elements that make it up (in particular, texts, diagrams, tree structures, software, animations, images, photographs, illustrations, videos, graphic or editorial representations, logos, etc.) constitute intellectual works protected by the Intellectual Property Code as well as by any other applicable international legislation.

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Photos : Erwan Fiquet


ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA makes every effort to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and updating of the information published on the Site, the content of which it reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice. However, errors or omissions may occur. Users should therefore check the accuracy of the information provided, and can notify us of any modifications to the Site they deem necessary.

The Site provides links to other websites or other resources available on the Internet. ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA has no means of controlling these external websites available on the Internet. ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and sources, nor does it guarantee them. It cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from the content of these external sites or sources, and in particular from the information, products or services they offer, or from any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with such use shall be borne entirely by the Internet user, who must comply with their conditions of use.

Availability of the Site

ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA makes every effort to keep the Site permanently accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA may therefore interrupt access to the Site, in particular for maintenance or updating reasons, or for any other reason, in particular technical or editorial, without prior notice or information to Internet users, and ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA may not be held responsible for the consequences of these interruptions, either with regard to Internet users or to any third party.

Furthermore, ABIX - BAUDELAIRE OPERA cannot be held responsible if Internet users are unable to access all or part of the Site due to any technical fault or problem, particularly and not exclusively linked to

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  • a case of force majeure.

Consumer Mediator

In case of dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will try to find an amicable solution.

If no amicable agreement can be reached, the consumer may refer the matter free of charge to the consumer mediator to which the professional belongs, namely the Association of European Mediators (AME CONSO), within one year of the written complaint sent to the professional.

The seizure of the mediator of consumption will have to be carried out :

  • either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com ;
  • or by mail addressed to AME CONSO, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 PARIS.


This Site terms and conditions are governed by French law, and any dispute or litigation that may arise from the interpretation or execution thereof shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts having jurisdiction over the company's registered office. The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French. 

+33 1 42 97 50 62 resa@hotel-baudelaire.com
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